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AWAKEN - SHORT FILM (Group Project)

Awaken is a short film, a team of us worked on for the end of year project as part of an Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media. Unfortunately due to complications with the team,  we were only able to complete a trailer for the short film in time for assessment.
Hopefully in the near future we will able to work further on the film and complete it.
Awaken is a short film, a team of us worked on for the end of year project as part of an Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media. Unfortunately due to complications with the team,  we were only able to complete a trailer for the short film in time for assessment.
Hopefully in the near future we will able to work further on the film and complete it.
My Work on the film is as follows:
00.12 - Layout, Animation
00.14 - Modelling (woman) Texturing (eyes)
00.22 - Modelling (woman) Texturing (eyes)
00.35 - Layout, Animation (birds & base animation for girl)
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